TheISBConnect Members
The TheISBConnect type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CloneBase |
Clonse an incoming object into this object
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
CloneTo |
Clones the metadata of the current class to a new class provided to the method
(Inherited from TheMetaDataBase.) |
Connect(String, String) |
Connect to a Custom URL via ISB Connect and a custom Scope
Connect(String, String, Boolean) |
Connect to a Custom URL via ISB Connect and a custom Scope
Connect(String, String, String, Boolean) |
Connect to a Custom URL via ISB Connect and a custom Scope
Disconnect |
Disposes the underlying QueuedSender. Don't use this if you have multiple ISBConnects to the same URL as they share the same QueuedSender
EncryptedBuffer |
Encrypts the ISBConnect Class Properties against the local node's ScopeID
Equals(System.Object) | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | (Inherited from Object.) | |
FireEvent |
Fire an Event on a property
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
GetHashCode | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetType | (Inherited from Object.) | |
IsEventRegistered |
Returns true if the requested eThingEvents has registered callbacks
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
MemberwiseClone | (Inherited from Object.) | |
NotifyMirror |
If called from a derived class and the class was stored in a StorageMirror, this method will call the "NotifyOfUpdate" method in the StorageMirror to inform all Notification Clients that this record has changed.
This is VERY Expensive! Do not call too often!
This does not work with StorageMirrors that require a PostSalt (unique table name)
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
OnPropertyChanged | (Inherited from TheBindableBase.) | |
Reconnect |
Reconnects this route with the same parameter set in "Connect"
RegisterEvent |
Register a callback that will be fired on a Property Event
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
RegisterEvent2 |
Register a callback that will be fired on a Property Event
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
SendToFirstNode |
Sends a message to the first node in the mesh. Is is the Node this ISB Connection is connected to
SendToNode |
Sends a TSM to a specific node
SendToOriginator |
Sends back to the originator
SendTSM(TSM) |
Sends a TSM to via the ISB Connection. The ENG must contain the topic the message should be sent to
SendTSM(TSM, String, Nullable<(Of <<'(Guid>)>>), Nullable<(Of <<'(Guid>)>>)) |
Sends a TSM with a custom topic with a possible target and Source Sender - in Par with ICDECommChannel
SendTSM(String, TSM) |
Sends a TSM via the ISB Connection to a custom Topic specified in the first parameter
SetProperty``1 | (Inherited from TheBindableBase.) | |
Subscribe |
Subscribes to Custom topics on this ISB Connection. The Topics will be scoped with the scope used during connect
ToString | (Inherited from Object.) | |
UnregisterEvent |
Unregister a previously registered callback
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
UnregisterEvent2 |
Unregister a previously registered callback
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
Unsubscribe |
Unsubscribes from Custom topics on this ISB Connection. The Topics will be scoped with the scope used during connect
Name | Description | |
AT |
Application Title
cdeA |
Access Level Mask
1=Untrusted Guest;
2=Trusted Guest;
4=Trusted Member1;
8=Trusted Member2;
16=Truested Member3;
32=Senior Member 1;
64=Senior Member 2;
(Inherited from TheMetaDataBase.) |
cdeAVA |
Availability of this record
The higher this number the higher the availability of this record
The Storage Service might store the data in multiple location to ensure maximum availability
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
cdeCTIM |
Timestamp of this class. Will be set to DateTimeOffset.Now on creation of the Class
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
cdeEXP |
Expiration in Seconds of the class
If a derived class is stored in a StorageMirror and cdeEXP is set to>0, the StorageMirror will automatically delete this record after the time has passed
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
cdeF |
Feature ID
(Inherited from TheMetaDataBase.) |
cdeM |
The Cookie or Meta information for this class
(Inherited from TheMetaDataBase.) |
cdeMID |
Unique Key for the class derived from TheDataBase. this will be used in the StorageService as the Unique Index in the SQL Tables
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
cdeN |
Guid of Hosting Node - new in 4.108: Moved from MetaDataBase to here
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
cdeO |
Owner Guid
(Inherited from TheMetaDataBase.) |
cdePRI |
Priority of this record.
A lower number means a higher priority.
Data with higher priority will be retrieved faster than those with lower prio
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
cdeSEQ |
Sequence number
(Inherited from TheMetaDataBase.) |
cdeU |
User ID owning this resource
(Inherited from TheMetaDataBase.) |
Custom Message Content sent during Provisioning;
Any Error message if applicable
ES |
Easy Scope: this is no longer supported and now a ScrambledScope ID
First Node ID: DeviceID of the node providing this ISBConnect Block
IS |
Initial Subscriptions
Language ID (LCID) for the connection
NMI Main Configuration Screen (not implemented yet)
NPA = Next Possible Address - contains the Crypted Session ID and in case of HTTP is the next URL Path
PS |
NMI Portal/Main Dashboard Screen
Password (hash) currently not used
Email or username
Scrambled Scope ID for the connection
NMI Home Screen
If true, TLS 1.2 is required
Username - no longer used
User Preferences as JSON String
Version of the ISBConnect
WebSockets port. Zero if no websockets supported
Name | Description | |
PropertyChanged |
Multicast event for property change notifications.
(Inherited from TheBindableBase.) |