C-DEngine 5.105

TheNMIEngine Methods

The TheNMIEngine type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member AddAboutButton(TheThing, Boolean, String, Int32, String)
Adds the standard about button to a plugin
Public method Static member AddAboutButton(TheThing, TheDashboardInfo, String, Boolean, String, Int32, String)
Adds the standard about button to a plugin
Public method Static member AddAboutButton4
Public method Static member AddChartControl(TheThing, TheChartDefinition, TheFormInfo, Int32, String, String, Boolean, ThePropertyBag)
Public method Static member AddChartControl<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(TheThing, TheStorageMirror<(Of <<'(T>)>>), TheFormInfo, Int32, String, String, String, String, ThePropertyBag)
Adds a new Chart control to a Form
Public method Static member AddChartDefinition
Adds a new Chart Definition to the NMI Model
Public method Static member AddChartScreen(TheThing, TheChartDefinition, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, Boolean, ThePropertyBag)
Adds a new Chart Screen to the NMI. To render this screen the CMyCharts plugin is required on a node in the mesh
Public method Static member AddChartScreen(TheThing, TheChartDefinition, Int32, String, Int32, Int32, String, Boolean, ThePropertyBag)
Create a new Chart Screen returning a dictionary of TheMetaDataBase that can be mapped: "Form" TheFormInfo; "DashIcon" TheDashPanelInfo of the icon in the Dashboard; "Group" TheFieldInfo of the Collapsible Header group; "Chart" TheFieldInfo of the Chart Control
Public method Static member AddCommonTableColumns
Adds the common table columns to a table: "Details (if not disabled), FriendlyName, StatusLevel,DeviceType (if set), Address (if not disabled), Delete Button" Only tables based on TheThings are supported
Public method Static member AddConnectivityBlock(TheThing, TheFormInfo, Int32, Action<(Of <<'(TheProcessMessage, Boolean>)>>), Boolean, Int32, String, String)
This adds the default Connectivity Block to the NMI Form. A connectivity block consists of AutoConnect, Is Connected, Address Field, Connect/Disconnect Buttons
Public method Static member AddConnectivityBlock(TheThing, TheFormInfo, Int32, Int32, Action<(Of <<'(TheProcessMessage, Boolean>)>>), Boolean, ThePropertyBag)
This adds the default Connectivity Block to the NMI Form. A connectivity block consists of AutoConnect, Is Connected, Address Field, Connect/Disconnect Buttons
Public method Static member AddDashboard
Adds a new Dashbard to the NMI Model
Public method Static member AddDashPanel
Add a new Dashpanel to a Dashboard
Public method Static member AddDashPanels
Adds new DashPanels to a Dashboard
Public method Static member AddDynamicPropertySection
Public method Static member AddField
Adds a single field to a form and sets the FormID of the field to the Form.cdeMID
Public method Static member AddFields
Adds a list of TheFieldInfo to a TheFormInfo (adds fields to a form)
Public method Static member AddForm
Add a new Form to the NMI Model
Public method Static member AddForms
Adds multiple forms to the NMI Model
Public method Static member AddFormToDashboard(TheThing, TheFormInfo, Int32, String, String, Int32, Int32, String, String, ThePropertyBag)
This method creates an NMI Form and adds it to the Dashboard specified in the first parameter
Public method Static member AddFormToDashboard(TheDashboardInfo, TheThing, TheFormInfo, Int32, String, String, Int32, Int32, String, String, ThePropertyBag)
This method creates an NMI Form and adds it to the Dashboard specified in the first parameter
Public method Static member AddFormToThingUX(TheThing, TheFormInfo, String, String, Int32, Int32)
This method creates an NMI Form and adds it to the Dashboard specified in the first parameter
Public method Static member AddFormToThingUX(TheThing, TheFormInfo, String, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, String, ThePropertyBag)
This method creates an NMI Form and adds it to the Dashboard specified in the first parameter
Public method Static member AddFormToThingUX(TheDashboardInfo, TheThing, TheFormInfo, String, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, String, ThePropertyBag)
This method creates an NMI Form and adds it to the Dashboard specified in the first parameter
Public method Static member AddLiveTagTable(TheThing, String, String)
Public method Static member AddLiveTagTable(TheThing, String, String, String)
Creates a new CMyForm of Live Tags for a given Device Type
Public method Static member AddLiveTagTable(TheThing, String, String, String, Int32)
Creates a new default LiveTag Table and returns a dictionary of string, TheMetaDataBase that can be casted: "Form" TheFormInfo; "DashIcon" TheDashPanelInfo of the icon in the Dashboard. All columns are mapped via "COL:FldOrder" as TheFieldInfo
Public method Static member AddNewTemplate(TheThing, Guid, String, String, Boolean, ThePropertyBag)
Public method Static member AddNewTemplate(TheThing, Guid, String, Boolean, ThePropertyBag)
Public method Static member AddNewTemplate(Guid, TheThing, Guid, String, Boolean, Int32)
Public method Static member AddNewTemplate(Guid, Guid, TheThing, Guid, String, Boolean, Int32)
Public method Static member AddNewTemplate<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(Guid, Guid, Guid, String, ThePropertyBag, Action<(Of <<'(T, TheClientInfo>)>>), Action<(Of <<'(T, TheClientInfo>)>>), Action<(Of <<'(T, TheClientInfo>)>>))
Adds a new custom wizard to the NMI Model
Public method Static member AddNewWizard(TheThing, Guid, String, ThePropertyBag, Action<(Of <<'(TheThing, TheClientInfo>)>>), Action<(Of <<'(TheThing, TheClientInfo>)>>))
Adds a new Wizard to the NMI Model
Public method Static member AddNewWizard<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(Guid, Guid, Guid, String, ThePropertyBag, Action<(Of <<'(T, TheClientInfo>)>>), Action<(Of <<'(T, TheClientInfo>)>>))
Adds a new custom wizard to the NMI Model
Public method Static member AddNewWizardPage
Adds a new wizard page to the Form
Public method Static member AddPageBlocks
Adds a list of ThePageBlocks to the NMI Model - blocks are referenced by ThePageContent in the WBID Field
Public method Static member AddPageContent
Adds a list of ThePageContent to the NMI Model - Page Content can be listed in ThePageDefinition
Public method Static member AddPageDefinition
Adds a new smart page to the system. In ThePageDefinition the parameter pPageName can be directly addressed in the browser ATTENTION: Changing ThePageDefinition after the first start of the Relay will NOT use the latest parameter. You have to delete the Cache File 604n... If you delete the file, all hit counter will be reset.
Public method Static member AddPageDefinitions
Adds a new PageDefinition to the NMI Model
Public method Static member AddSmartControl(TheThing, TheFormInfo, eFieldType, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, String)
Adds a control to a Form
Public method Static member AddSmartControl(TheThing, TheFormInfo, eFieldType, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, String, ThePropertyBag)
Adds a control to a Form
Public method Static member AddSmartControl(TheThing, TheFormInfo, eFieldType, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, Boolean, String, Action<(Of <<'(TheFieldInfo, cdeP>)>>), ThePropertyBag)
Adds a control to a Form
Public method Static member AddSmartIcon
Adds a smart Icon to a Form
Public method Static member AddSmartPage(TheThing, IBaseEngine, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String, Boolean)
Creats a direct access Page for a given Thing
Public method Static member AddSmartPage(TheFormInfo, IBaseEngine, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Creats a direct access Page for a given Form
Public method Static member AddSpacer
Adds a spacer to a Form to create padding/margin in forms
Public method Static member AddStandardForm(TheThing, String, Int32, String, String, Int32, String)
Creates the default NMI Style Form for a Thing. Returns a Dictionary of TheMetaDataBase items that can be casted to: "Form" (TheFormInfo), "DashIcon" (TheDashPanelInfo), "Header" (TheFieldInfo)
Public method Static member AddStandardForm(TheThing, String, String, Int32, ThePropertyBag)
Creates the default NMI Style Form for a Thing. Returns a Dictionary of TheMetaDataBase items that can be casted to: "Form" (TheFormInfo), "DashIcon" (TheDashPanelInfo), "Header" (TheFieldInfo)
Public method Static member AddStartingBlock(TheThing, TheFormInfo, Int32, Action<(Of <<'(TheProcessMessage, Boolean>)>>), Int32, String, String)
This adds the default Starting Block to the NMI Form.
Public method Static member AddStartingBlock(TheThing, TheFormInfo, Int32, Int32, Action<(Of <<'(TheProcessMessage, Boolean>)>>), ThePropertyBag)
This adds the default Starting Block to the NMI Form.
Public method Static member AddStatusBlock(TheThing, TheFormInfo, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Adds a Status Block to a Form. It returns a Dictionary of created fields for Group,FriendlyName,StatusLevel,LastMessage,Value and NodeName
Public method Static member AddStatusBlock(TheThing, TheFormInfo, Int32, Int32, Boolean, ThePropertyBag)
Adds a Status Block to a Form. It returns a Dictionary of created fields for Group,FriendlyName,StatusLevel,LastMessage,Value and NodeName
Public method Static member AddTableButtons
Adds a Delete/Safe Button to a given Form/Table
Public method Static member AddTemplateButtons(TheThing, TheFormInfo, Int32)
Public method Static member AddTemplateButtons(TheThing, TheFormInfo, Int32, Int32, Int32, String)
Public method Static member AddTileBreak
New V4.01: Adds a Page Break in the Dashboard Tiles
Public method Static member AddWizardControl
Adds a new control to a Wizard
Public method Static member AddWizardExplainer
Adds an explainer Text to a Wizard
Public method Static member AddWizardFinishPage
Adds a Finish page to a wizard. The finish page will be displayed when the InsertB4 Callback is finished. in order for the finish page to show, the B4InsertCallback on a wizard has to be set
Public method Static member AddWizardProcessPage
Add a processing page to the Wizard. A processing page should show the progress of the work a wizard is doing. At least a "processing please wait" and possibly a waiting icon or progress bar
Public method Static member AddWizardSpacer
Adds a small blank Spacer Tile
Public method Static member CleanForm
Removes all Field Definitions of a Form
Public method Static member CreateEngineForms(ICDEThing, Guid, String, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, String)
This method creates an essential dashboard for plugins that have multiple sub-devices and a table that allows to add and remove new devices.
Public method Static member CreateEngineForms(TheThing, Guid, String, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, String, Boolean, String, String)
This method creates an essential dashboard for plugins that have multiple sub-devices and a table that allows to add and remove new devices.
Public method Static member CreateForm
Creates a new Form in the NMI Model - same as AddForm!
Public method CreateUX
Creates the basic NMI User Interface
Public method Delete
Will be called if this thing is deleted fromt TheThingRegistry
(Inherited from TheThingBase.)
Public method Static member DeleteDashComponentById
Delets a Dashboard Component by a given ID
Public method Static member DeleteFieldById
Deletes a Field by a given Fld ID
Public method Static member DeleteFieldsByRange
Deletes a list of fields from a form between a range of FldOrders
Public method Static member DeleteFieldsOfParent
Delets all fields of a given ParentFld starting at a specific Field Order
Public method Static member DeleteFormById
Deletes a form by a given FormID
Public method Equals(System.Object) (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Static member FillFieldPicker(TheProcessMessage, TheFieldInfo, String, String)
Fills a ComboBox with the FriendlyName/Guid of things with a particular Boolean Property (bModelBool) set to true
Public method Static member FillFieldPicker(TheProcessMessage, TheFieldInfo, String, String, String)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method FireEvent
Fire an event on this thing
(Inherited from TheThingBase.)
Public method Static member GetAliveNMINodes
Returns a list of all known and Alive NMI Nodes connected to this node
Public method Static member GetAllDashboards
Returns a list of all defined Dashboard
Public method GetBaseEngine
Returns the BaseEngine of this plugin (called by the C-DEngine during startup)
(Inherited from ThePluginBase.)
Public method GetBaseThing
Gets the Base Thing (MyBaseThing)
(Inherited from TheThingBase.)
Public method Static member GetBlockByID
Returns ThePageBlock by a given ID
Public method Static member GetChartByID
Returns a Chart Definition by ID
Public method Static member GetControlTypeByPType
This function returns the optimal TheControlType of a given Property Type
Public method Static member GetControlTypeByType
Returns the TheControlType by a given Control Type name
Public method Static member GetCtrlTypeFromCDET
Return the optimal NMI Control Type for a given PropertyType
Public method Static member GetDashboardById
Returns a Dashboard by a given Dashboard ID
Public method Static member GetDashPanelById
Gets a Dashpanel by a given Panel ID
Public method Static member GetEngineDashBoardByThing
Returns the Dashboard of a given ICDEThing
Public method Static member GetEngineDashBoardGuidByThing
Return the GUID of a Dashboard of a given ICDEThing
Public method Static member GetEnginePropertyByThing Obsolete.
Returns a Property of the Engine of a given Thing
Public method Static member GetFieldByFldOrder
Returns a specific field of a form by its FldOrder
Public method Static member GetFieldById
Returns a field by a given Field ID
Public method Static member GetFieldsByFunc
Returns a list of Fields by a given function
Public method Static member GetFormById
Returns a Form but a given Form ID
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Static member GetNodeForCategory
Returns the localized version of the StationName for Categories
Public method Static member GetPageByID
Return ThePageDefinition by a given Page ID
Public method Static member GetPageByRealPage
Gets ThePageDefinition by a given RealPage name (i.e. /NMIPortal)
Public method Static member GetPageContentByID
Returns a Page by its Content ID
Public method Static member GetPages
Gets all tracked pages.
Public method GetProperty
Gets a property by name
(Inherited from TheThingBase.)
Public method Static member GetStatusColor
Returns an HTML5 Color for each StatusLevel. The colors can be customized by changing the "MyServiceHostInfo.StatusColors" list of colors
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method HandleMessage
Basic Message Handler of the NMI
Public method HasRegisteredEvents
Returns true if the given event has registered callbacks
(Inherited from TheThingBase.)
Public method Init
Initializes the NMI Engine
Public method InitEngineAssets
Initializes the internal NMI Engine
Public method Static member IsCDEProperty(cdeP)
returns true if the given property is a CDE Intrinsyc and internal property
Public method Static member IsCDEProperty(String)
Returns true if the given property name is a well known C-DEngine property that should not be translated
Public method Static member IsControlRegistered
Returns true if Control is registered
Public method Static member IsControlTypeRegistered
Returns true if Control is registered
Public method IsInit
Returns true if this thing is initialized (mIsInitialized)
(Inherited from TheThingBase.)
Public method Static member IsInitialized
returns true of the NMI Model and the service is initialized
Public method Static member IsNMINodeAlive
Returns true if the DeviceID given is known to the NMI Engine (has requested the Meta Information and sent Heartbeat Pings recently)
Public method Static member IsPageStoreReady
Returns true when the PageStore is ready
Public method IsUXInit
Returns true if this thing's NMI is initialized (mIsUxInitialized)
(Inherited from TheThingBase.)
Public method Static member LocNMI(Int32, TSM)
Updates the PLS with a localized version of the PLS according to an LCID. ATTENTION: If ### is in PLS and the message was NOT meant to be translated, the content of PLS will change! ENG must be set to the engine holding the strings
Public method Static member LocNMI(TheProcessMessage, TSM)
Updates the PLS with a localized version of the PLS. ATTENTION: If ### is in PLS and the message was NOT meant to be translated, the content of PLS will change! The LCID is processed using the Session State in TheProcessMessage
Public method Static member LocNMI(TheProcessMessage, String)
Updates the string with a localized version of the PLS. The LCID is processed using the Session State in TheProcessMessage
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Static member PageHitCounter
Increases the Hit Counter on a given ThePageDefinition
Public method Static member ParseFacePlate(TheThing, String) Obsolete.
Parses a HTML5 FacePlate for Property References
Public method Static member ParseFacePlate(TheThing, String, Guid) Obsolete.
Parses a HTML5 FacePlate for Property References, this hsas Moved to Late Binding in TheFormGenerator.GetPermittedFields and is no longer required as a public call
Public method Static member ParseFacePlateUrl(TheThing, String)
Parses a HTML5 FacePlate for Property References
Public method Static member ParseFacePlateUrl(TheThing, String, Boolean)
Parses a HTML5 FacePlate for Property References
Public method Static member ParseFacePlateUrl(TheThing, String, Boolean, Guid)
Parses a HTML5 FacePlate for Property References
Public method Static member RefreshDashboard
Refreshes the specified dashboard. If pMessage is set, the dashboard is sent to the originator in the TSM. If pMessage is null, a Request to refresh is sent to the clients. They can then request the Dashboard but only if they have the premission to see the specified dashboard
Public method Static member RegisterControlType(IBaseEngine, String, String, String)
Register a new Control with the NMI Engine. Registered controls can be used in Live Screens and any Plug-In InitUX() function
Public method Static member RegisterControlType(IBaseEngine, String, String)
Register a new Control with the NMI Engine. Registered controls can be used in Live Screens and any Plug-In InitUX() function
Public method Static member RegisterEngine
Registers an Engine with the NMI Service in order to provide resources
Public method RegisterEvent
Register a callback with an event of this Thing
(Inherited from TheThingBase.)
Public method Static member RegisterSyncedTransform
Register a new Transform File for a given user. If pUserID is Guid.Empty
Public method Static member SaveScreenOptions
Allows to save Screen Options for a ModelID. The ModelID of a screen has to be stored in the tScene.ID parameter;
Public method Static member SendThingRegistry Obsolete.
Public method SetBaseThing
Sets the Base Thing (MyBaseThing)
(Inherited from TheThingBase.)
Public method SetProperty
Sets a property with a value
(Inherited from TheThingBase.)
Public method Static member SetScopeID
Sets the scope ID on a specific request
Public method Static member SetUXProperty(Guid, Guid, String)
Sets a Property on a NMI Control
Public method Static member SetUXProperty(Guid, Guid, String, String)
Sets a Property on a NMI Control
Public method Static member SetUXProperty(Guid, Guid, String, String, String)
Sets a Property on a NMI Control belonging to a Thing. SubControl defines "DASH", "FORM" or a column's FldOrder in a Table
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method UnregisterEvent
Unregister a callback from an event of this thing
(Inherited from TheThingBase.)
Public method Static member UpdateMainFrameTemplate
Updates the Main Frame-Template for all pages
Public method Static member UpdatePageBlocks
Update blocks in the PageBlock store