C-DEngine 5.105

TheNMIEngine..::..AddSmartControl Method (TheThing, TheFormInfo, eFieldType, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, String)

Adds a control to a Form

Namespace:  nsCDEngine.Engines.NMIService
Assembly:  C-DEngine (in C-DEngine.dll)


public static TheFieldInfo AddSmartControl(
	TheThing MyBaseThing,
	TheFormInfo pMyForm,
	eFieldType tType,
	int fldOrder,
	int flags,
	int pACL,
	string pHeader,
	string OnUpdateName
Public Shared Function AddSmartControl ( _
	MyBaseThing As TheThing, _
	pMyForm As TheFormInfo, _
	tType As eFieldType, _
	fldOrder As Integer, _
	flags As Integer, _
	pACL As Integer, _
	pHeader As String, _
	OnUpdateName As String _
) As TheFieldInfo
static TheFieldInfo^ AddSmartControl(
	TheThing^ MyBaseThing, 
	TheFormInfo^ pMyForm, 
	eFieldType^ tType, 
	int^ fldOrder, 
	int^ flags, 
	int^ pACL, 
	String^ pHeader, 
	String^ OnUpdateName


Type: nsCDEngine.Engines.ThingService..::..TheThing
Type: nsCDEngine.Engines.NMIService..::..TheFormInfo
Type: nsCDEngine.Engines.NMIService..::..eFieldType
Type: Int32
Type: Int32
Binary Flags for the Field: 1= Show content as * (Password); 2= Write Enabled Field (Sends update to Plugin) 4 =Hide from Mobile (RETIRED: Use AddPlatBag(eWebPlatform.Mobile,new nmiPlatBag { Hide=true }); 8 =Hide From Table (RETIRED: Use AddPlatBag(eWebPlatform.Mobile,new nmiPlatBag { HideInTable=true }); 16=Hide From Form (RETIRED: Use AddPlatBag(eWebPlatform.Mobile,new nmiPlatBag { HideInForm=true }); 32=Advanced Editior 64=The OnUpdateName is not on the MyBaseThing but on a Thing referenced by the cdeMID in the records of the corresponding MirrorCache Data Table 128=Do not show this control after second node (i.e. via Cloud) 256=Allow HTML5 Markup in PropertyBag and Value
Type: Int32
User Access Level of the control - only users with a matching level can see this control
Type: String
Title/Label of the Control
Type: String
Property to wach for changes. The content of the property will be displayed in this control in the NMI

Return Value