C-DEngine 5.105

cdeSenderType Enumeration

The cdeSenderType impacts how data is transmitted between two nodes

Namespace:  nsCDEngine.ViewModels
Assembly:  C-DEngine (in C-DEngine.dll)


public enum cdeSenderType
Public Enumeration cdeSenderType
public enum class cdeSenderType


Member nameDescription
NOTSET Not set, yet
CDE_SERVICE Node is a Service and can receive binary zipped messages
CDE_CUSTOMISB NEW in V4: CustomISB connection
CDE_PHONE Node is a phone and can only receive UUEncoded strings
CDE_DEVICE Node is a device and can receive binary zipped messages
CDE_CLOUDROUTE Node is a cloud service and can receive binary zipped messages
CDE_BACKCHANNEL Node is a backchannel (Response returning after it has made an active REST POST) that can be binary Zipped
CDE_JAVAJASON Node s a Javascript based HTML5 browser and can only receive JSON
CDE_LOCALHOST Node is the local host and will not send any messages to or from
CDE_MINI Node is a mini Node (i.e. PxC eCLR) and has only Limited Functionality
CDE_SIMULATION Node is simulated only and does not send any messages to or from