C-DEngine 5.105

eRuleTrigger Enumeration

Triggers for Rules Engine Events

Namespace:  nsCDEngine.Engines.ThingService
Assembly:  C-DEngine (in C-DEngine.dll)


public enum eRuleTrigger
Public Enumeration eRuleTrigger
public enum class eRuleTrigger


Member nameDescription
Fire Always fire if Trigger object has changed
State Fires if the the Trigger object has be set with the same value
Equals Fires if the Trigger Object Value is equal to the Trigger Value
Larger Fires if the Trigger object Value is larger then the trigger value - but fires only once if its larger!
Smaller Fires if the Trigger object value is smaller then the trigger value - but fires only once if its smaller!
Not Fires if the trigger object value is Boolean NOT the trigger value
Contains For string objects: fires if the string in the trigger object value contains the string in the trigger value
Set Always sets the Target Object value with the Source object value
StartsWith For string objects: fires if the string in the trigger object value starts with the string in the trigger value
EndsWith For string objects: fires if the string in the trigger object value ends with the string in the trigger value
Flank Fires when a flank is detected. The trigger value has to show the flank separated by , (i.e: 4,5 means a flank from value 4 to value 5)