C-DEngine 5.105

TheRequestData Properties

The TheRequestData type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AllowCaching
Public property AllowedHeaders
Sets the allowed headers for incoming OPTIONS preflight checks
Public property AllowedMethods
Sets the allowed methods for an incoming OPTIONS Preflight checks
Public property AllowStatePush
Public property BrowserPlatform
Public property BrowserScreenWidth
Public property BrowserType
Public property cdeAVA
Availability of this record The higher this number the higher the availability of this record The Storage Service might store the data in multiple location to ensure maximum availability
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public property cdeCTIM
Timestamp of this class. Will be set to DateTimeOffset.Now on creation of the Class
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public property cdeEXP
Expiration in Seconds of the class If a derived class is stored in a StorageMirror and cdeEXP is set to>0, the StorageMirror will automatically delete this record after the time has passed
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public property cdeMID
Unique Key for the class derived from TheDataBase. this will be used in the StorageService as the Unique Index in the SQL Tables
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public property cdeN
Guid of Hosting Node - new in 4.108: Moved from MetaDataBase to here
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public property cdePRI
Priority of this record. A lower number means a higher priority. Data with higher priority will be retrieved faster than those with lower prio
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public property cdeRealPage
A subset of the URL that identifies the requested page. For example, this URL http://localhost:10/my/page?num=12, generates a value for cdeRealPage of "/my/page".
Public property ClientCert
An object with certificate information. The specific format is dependent on the type of web server. For example, in Asp.Net the objects are of type System.Web.HttpClientCertificate. In an HttpListener type web server, the certificates are of type System.Security.Cryptography. X509Certificates.X509Certificate2.
Public property DeviceID
Public property Disable100
Public property DisableChunking
Public property DisableKeepAlive
Public property DisableRedirect
Public property DOM
Public property DontCompress
Public property EndSessionOnResponse
Public property ErrorDescription
Public property Header
A dictionary field initialized to hold the headers of the incoming request.
Public property HttpMethod
A string with the name of the HTTP request method. For example, "GET" or "POST".
Public property HttpVersion
Provides the Http version from an incoming request, formatted as a double value. For example, 1.0 or 1.1.
Public property HttpVersionStr
Provides the Http version from an incoming request, formatted as a string. For example, "1.0" or "1.1".
Public property NewLocation
Public property PostData
A byte array holding data sent with an incoming post request.
Public property PostDataIdx
Public property PostDataLength
An integer value indicating the length of the data in the PostData array.
Public property PostDataStream
Public property PWD
Public property RemoteAddress
Public property RequestCookies
Public property RequestCookiesStr
Public property RequestUri
A Uri type field containing the URL of the incoming request. For example, all of the details in a URL like this http://localhost:10/my/page?num=12 are available within various members of RequestUri.
Public property RequestUriString
Public property ResponseBuffer
A byte array property for response being returned to the sender. When an interceptor sends return data to the client, this field holds the data to be returned.
Public property ResponseBufferStr
The response being sent to the client, formatted as a string.
Public property ResponseEncoding
A string value used to populate the "Content-Encoding" field in the header of the response. Examples include "gzip", "compress", "deflate", "identity", and "br".
Public property ResponseMimeType
A string indicating the format, or "media type", of the returned data. This is initially set to the value in the ContentType field of the incoming request. But it can be changed if the response is of a different type. Examples include "text/html", "text/xml", "text/json", "image/png", "application/javascript", and "application/json".
Public property ServerTags
Public property SessionState
Public property StatusCode
An integer for the Http Status Code. Initially set to zero, an interceptor function must set this value to indicate that a request has been handled. Possible values include: Not Handled(0), OK(200), NotFound(404), NotAcceptable(406), ServerError(500), and RequestTimeout(408).
These values are defined in the eHttpStatusCode enum.
Public property TempCookies
Public property TimeOut
Public property UID
Public property UserAgent
Public property WebPlatform
Public property WebSocket