C-DEngine 5.105

TheThing Properties

The TheThing type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Address
Shortcut for "SetProperty("Address",value);
Public property Capabilities
Returns a list of capabilities of TheThing. Can be used to Build "Thing Models"
Public property cdeA
Access Level Mask 0=Everyone; 1=Untrusted Guest; 2=Trusted Guest; 4=Trusted Member1; 8=Trusted Member2; 16=Truested Member3; 32=Senior Member 1; 64=Senior Member 2; 128=Admin;
(Inherited from TheMetaDataBase.)
Public property cdeAVA
Availability of this record The higher this number the higher the availability of this record The Storage Service might store the data in multiple location to ensure maximum availability
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public property cdeCTIM
Timestamp of this class. Will be set to DateTimeOffset.Now on creation of the Class
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public property cdeEXP
Expiration in Seconds of the class If a derived class is stored in a StorageMirror and cdeEXP is set to>0, the StorageMirror will automatically delete this record after the time has passed
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public property cdeF
Feature ID
(Inherited from TheMetaDataBase.)
Public property cdeM
The Cookie or Meta information for this class
(Inherited from TheMetaDataBase.)
Public property cdeMID
Unique Key for the class derived from TheDataBase. this will be used in the StorageService as the Unique Index in the SQL Tables
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public property cdeN
Guid of Hosting Node - new in 4.108: Moved from MetaDataBase to here
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public property cdeO
Owner Guid
(Inherited from TheMetaDataBase.)
Public property cdePendingConfig
Public property cdePRI
Priority of this record. A lower number means a higher priority. Data with higher priority will be retrieved faster than those with lower prio
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public property cdeRequiresCustomConfig
Public property cdeSEQ
Sequence number
(Inherited from TheMetaDataBase.)
Public property cdeU
User ID owning this resource
(Inherited from TheMetaDataBase.)
Public property DeviceType
Shortcut for "SetProperty("DeviceType",value);
Public property EngineName
Shortcut for "SetProperty("EngineName",value);
Public property FriendlyName
Shortcut for "SetProperty("FriendlyName",value);
Public property HasLiveObject
A property representation of IsAlive() in order for easy serialization and UX display
Public property ID
Shortcut for "SetProperty("ID",value);
Public property InitializePendingStartTime
Indicates since when an Init() called has been started but not completed. Returns DateTimeOffset.MinValue if Init() has not been called or has completed.
Public property IsDisabled
Can be used to Quickly Disable a Thing. Shortcut for "SetProperty("IsDisable", value).
Public property IsHidden
The Thing will be running but does not show on the NMI ever. Shortcut for "SetProperty("IsHidden", value).
Public property IsInitialized
A property representation of IsInit() in order for easy serialization and UX display
Public property IsInitializing
Indicates if Init() has been called, but not completed.
Public property IsUXInitialized
A property representation of IsUXInit() in order for easy serialization and UX display
Public property LastMessage
Sets the last message of the Thing. This can be used for status, error or other messages. Shortcut for "SetProperty("LastMessage", value).
Public property LastUpdate
Shortcut for "SetProperty("LastUpdate",value);
Public property MyPropertyBag
The Main PropertyBag. ATTENTION: Direct Manipulation of MyPropertyBag will not fire any events and circumvents encryption and other API based management. Only access this Bag if you know exactly what you are doing. NOTE: It is possible that we remove access to the Bag in a later version of the C-DEngine - do not rely on its access availability
Public property Parent
Shortcut for "SetProperty("Parent",value);
Public property PropertyCount
Returns a count of all current Properties Only properties on TheThing will be counted.
Public property StatusLevel
Shortcut for "SetProperty("Status",value); 0=Not Running 1=OK 2=warning 3=Failure 4=Ramp Up 5=Engineering 6=Shutdown 7=Unknown/not visible
Public property UID
Shortcut for "SetProperty("UID",value);
Public property Value
Shortcut for "SetProperty("Value",value);
Public property Version
Shortcut for "SetProperty("Version",value);