C-DEngine 5.105

TheNMIBaseControl Properties

The TheNMIBaseControl type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AddClassName
Adds a classname to the classlist of the control.
Public property Back
Absolute Z Position in Pixels
Public property Caption
Sets the Caption of the TileGroup. If Null or "" no header will be shown. Otherwise a ctrlSmartLabel will be used to show the title of the TG Same as the "Title" or "Label" Property
Public property CaptionForeground
Foreground color of the Caption Text
Public property cdeNMID
the Main ID of the control
Public property ClassName
Sets the Class name used in a style sheet
Public property ContainerClassName
Sets the class for the container of the TileEntry
Public property ControlType
Gets the control type. Only for custom/User controls
Public property Cookie
Allows to set a custom cookie on a control
Public property DataItem
Use with caution! Overwriting this can cause unexpected behavior. Only use for Special TileButton Cases: CDE_DELETE (adds a delete/Save button to a table), CDE_DETAILS (allows to switch a table to form view and back)
Public property DefaultValue
Will be written in the “Value” Property if the Value property is “Null”
Public property Disabled
Makes the control disabled.
Public property EnableMT
Enables Multitouch on the control
Public property EngineName
Tells the NMI Engine what Plugins the control is in
Public property Explainer
Adds an explainer text to wizards and other controls that support explainer
Public property FldWidth
sets the width of an input field
Public property Float
defines the Float of the control (Left, Right, none)
Public property FontSize
The Font Size in Pixels
Public property ForceSet
Public property Green
Overwrite 'green' in hardcoded styles of a control
Public property GreyCondition
a function if returning true will gray out the control
Public property Group
Groups visibility of multiple objects. Only one is visible at a time. (i.e. Tab Controls) Syntax: "GroupName:ID"
Public property Header
Header for a Table
Public property HelpText
Sets the small text below the control
Public property HideCondition
A function if returning true will hide the control
Public property HorizontalAlignment
Aligns text horizontally in the control according to the setting inside the Control Section of the TileEntry. Allowed is 'left', 'right', 'center'
Public property InheritWidth
Control will always size as its parent
Public property IsAbsolute
Enabled all children controls for absolut positioning (children have to use TileLeft, TileTop, Left or Top to position)
Public property IsHitTestDisabled
if set to try, the Control will not handle any click or touch events
Public property LabelClassName
Sets the Style for Caption of the TileGroup
Public property LabelFontSize
Sets the Font Size of a Label
Public property LabelForeground
Foreground color of the Caption Text
Public property Left
Absolute left Position in Pixels
Public property MainBackground
sets the background color of the TileEntry
Public property MainClassName
Allows to set the class of the TileEntry
Public property MaxTileWidth
Sets the max width of the control.
Public property MergeBag
Allows to add a traditional ThePropertyBag to this control.
Public property MID
Public property MinTileWidth
sets the minimum width of the control
Public property NoTE
Prevents a control from being wrapped in a ctrlTileEntry in a Form. This Setting has no impact on Tables
Public property NUITags
If one of the NUItags is recognized, the corresponding control will get a "OnNUITag" call and can then handed the tag. It can then decide what else to do with the command
Public property OniValueChanged
Registers a script for the OniValueChange event of the control, (JavaScript)
Public property OnPropertyChanged
Registers a script for the "Property Changed" event of the control, (JavaScript)
Public property OnPropertySet
Registers a script for OnPropertySetChange event of the control, (JavaScript)
Public property OnValueChanged
Registers a script for the OnValueChange event of the control (JavaScript)
Public property Opacity
Sets the opacity of the control
Public property ParentFld
Sets the parent of the control (uses FldOrder)
Public property PixelDepth
Sets the depth of the control in pixels (Z-Axes)
Public property PixelHeight
Sets the height of control in pixels
Public property PixelWidth
Sets the width of control in pixels
Public property PlaceHolder
This text will be shown instead of the control if the control could not be started or is still being retrieved from the mesh
Public property PreventDefault
Prevents routing of event to parent controls
Public property PreventManipulation
Prevents Multitouch on the control
Public property Red
Overwrite 'red' in hardcoded styles of a control
Public property RegisterEvent
Registers a script for a custom event of the control, (javascript)
Public property RemoveClassName
Removes a classname from the classlist of a control
Public property RenderTarget
can specify an ID of a HTML DIV Element where this control will be rendered in (AppendChild)
Public property Style
Can use to set any CSS style
Public property TableHeader
Header used for the Table Column
Public property Tag
Same as the Tag element in XAML used for cookies with the control
Public property TCClassName
Table Cell style class of the control
Public property TEClassName
Sets the Class name for the sourounding TileEntry (TE) of an element
Public property THClassName
Table Header style class of the control
Public property TileBack
Absolute Depth (Z) position in tile units
Public property TileDepth
Sets the depth of the control (Z Axes)
Public property TileFactorX
Creates smaller tiles (2 = 1/2 Tiles, 4=1/4 Tiles) Do not use other values then 2 or 4 unless you know exactly what you are doing. Only exponents of 2 are working in our grid
Public property TileFactorY
Creates smaller tiles (2 = 1/2 Tiles, 4=1/4 Tiles) Do not use other values then 2 or 4 unless you know exactly what you are doing. Only exponents of 2 are working in our grid
Public property TileHeight
Sets the height of the control. (1 tile = 78px)
Public property TileLeft
Absolute Left Position in Tile Units
Public property TileTop
Absolute Top Position in Tile Units
Public property TileWidth
Sets the width of the control. (1 tile = 78px)
Public property ToolTip
A short text that is shown when a user hovers over an item
Public property Top
Absolute Top position in Pixels
Public property UseTE
Wraps the control in a "ctrlTileEntry” control for better Look-n-Feel in Table. This setting has not impact on Forms
Public property Value
The meaning of "Value" is unique to each control.
Public property VerticalAlignment
Aligns text vertically in the control according to the setting inside the Control Section of the TileEntry. Allowed is 'top', 'bottom', 'center'
Public property Visibility
Sets the visibilty of the control.
Public property ZIndex
Sets the ZIndex of an HTML Element in the browser