C-DEngine 5.105

TheCommRequestResponse Methods

The TheCommRequestResponse type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member ParseRequestMessageJSON<(Of <<'(T>)>>)
Deserializes the JSON string in the PLS of message into an object of type T. If it cannot be deserialized, returns the default of T.
Public method Static member ParseRequestOrResponseMessage(TSM, array<String>[]()[][]%, Guid%)
Parses the TXT of the message in the format name:correlationToken:param1:param2...
Public method Static member PublishRequestAndParseResponseAsync(TheThing, TheThing, String, array<String>[]()[][], String, array<Byte>[]()[][])
Sends a TSM message to the targetThing and return the matching response message. Uses a timeout of 60 seconds.
Public method Static member PublishRequestAndParseResponseAsync(TheMessageAddress, TheMessageAddress, String, TimeSpan, array<String>[]()[][], String, array<Byte>[]()[][])
Sends a TSM message to the targetThing and return the matching response message
Public method Static member PublishRequestAsync(TheThing, TheThing, String, array<String>[]()[][], String, array<Byte>[]()[][])
Sends a TSM message to the targetThing and return the matching response message. Uses a timeout of 60 seconds.
Public method Static member PublishRequestAsync(TheMessageAddress, TheMessageAddress, String, TimeSpan, array<String>[]()[][], String, array<Byte>[]()[][])
Sends a TSM message to the targetThing and return the matching response message
Public method Static member PublishRequestCallback(TheMessageAddress, TheMessageAddress, String, TimeSpan, Action<(Of <<'(array<String>[]()[][]>)>>), array<String>[]()[][], String, array<Byte>[]()[][])
Sends a message with the given TXT and PLS/PLB to the target and returns the TXT of the response message separated by ':' into a string array.
Public method Static member PublishRequestCallback(TheMessageAddress, TheMessageAddress, String, TimeSpan, Action<(Of <<'(TSM>)>>), array<String>[]()[][], String, array<Byte>[]()[][])
Sends a message with the given TXT and PLS/PLB to the target and returns the response message to the callback as a TSM parameter.
Public method Static member PublishRequestJSonAsync<(Of <<'(inputT, outputT>)>>)(TheMessageAddress, inputT)
Sends a message with JSON-serialized parameters to the targetThing and returns the response message as a deserialized object
Public method Static member PublishRequestJSonAsync<(Of <<'(inputT, outputT>)>>)(TheMessageAddress, TheMessageAddress, inputT)
Sends a message with JSON-serialized parameters to the targetThing and returns the response message as a deserialized object
Public method Static member PublishRequestJSonAsync<(Of <<'(inputT, outputT>)>>)(TheMessageAddress, inputT, TimeSpan)
Sends a message with JSON-serialized parameters to the targetThing and returns the response message as a deserialized object
Public method Static member PublishRequestJSonAsync<(Of <<'(inputT, outputT>)>>)(TheMessageAddress, TheMessageAddress, inputT, TimeSpan)
Sends a message with JSON-serialized parameters to the targetThing and returns the payload of the response message as a deserialized object.
Public method Static member PublishRequestJsonCallback<(Of <<'(inputT, outputT>)>>)
Sends a message with JSON-serialized parameters to the targetThing and returns the payload of the response message to the callback as a deserialized object.
Public method Static member PublishResponseMessage(TSM, String, array<Byte>[]()[][])
Simple Publish response message.
Public method Static member PublishResponseMessage(TSM, array<String>[]()[][], String, array<Byte>[]()[][])
Publishes the response message back to the originator of the originalMessage.
Public method Static member PublishResponseMessageJson<(Of <<'(outputT>)>>)
Publishes the response message back to the originator of the originalMessage with the responseParameters serialized to a JSON string in the payload.