C-DEngine 5.105

TheThingRegistry..::..RegisterThingGlobally Method (TheThing)

Sends a publication out to all Nodes in the Mesh and registers this Thing in other TheThingRegistry of all nodes Property changes are then sent to all nodes as well and TheRulesEngine of remote notes can be triggered by Properties of the Origin Thing or set Actions on a remote thing.

Namespace:  nsCDEngine.Engines.ThingService
Assembly:  C-DEngine (in C-DEngine.dll)


public static bool RegisterThingGlobally(
	TheThing pThing
Public Shared Function RegisterThingGlobally ( _
	pThing As TheThing _
) As Boolean
static bool^ RegisterThingGlobally(
	TheThing^ pThing


Type: nsCDEngine.Engines.ThingService..::..TheThing
TheThing to be registered globally

Return Value