C-DEngine 5.105

TheNMIEngine..::..CreateEngineForms Method (TheThing, Guid, String, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, String, Boolean, String, String)

This method creates an essential dashboard for plugins that have multiple sub-devices and a table that allows to add and remove new devices.

Namespace:  nsCDEngine.Engines.NMIService
Assembly:  C-DEngine (in C-DEngine.dll)


public static cdeConcurrentDictionary<string, TheMetaDataBase> CreateEngineForms(
	TheThing pBaseThing,
	Guid pID,
	string pTitle,
	string pFilter,
	int pFldOrder,
	int pFlag,
	int pACL,
	string category,
	string pCustomCommand,
	bool AddAddress,
	string pDeviceTypeOptions,
	string pDeviceTypeDefault
Public Shared Function CreateEngineForms ( _
	pBaseThing As TheThing, _
	pID As Guid, _
	pTitle As String, _
	pFilter As String, _
	pFldOrder As Integer, _
	pFlag As Integer, _
	pACL As Integer, _
	category As String, _
	pCustomCommand As String, _
	AddAddress As Boolean, _
	pDeviceTypeOptions As String, _
	pDeviceTypeDefault As String _
) As cdeConcurrentDictionary(Of String, TheMetaDataBase)
static cdeConcurrentDictionary<String^, TheMetaDataBase^>^ CreateEngineForms(
	TheThing^ pBaseThing, 
	Guid^ pID, 
	String^ pTitle, 
	String^ pFilter, 
	int^ pFldOrder, 
	int^ pFlag, 
	int^ pACL, 
	String^ category, 
	String^ pCustomCommand, 
	bool^ AddAddress, 
	String^ pDeviceTypeOptions, 
	String^ pDeviceTypeDefault


Type: nsCDEngine.Engines.ThingService..::..TheThing
TheThing that owns this Dashboard
Type: Guid
A unique ID for the Dashboard. Can be the pBaseThing.cdeMID if its the only dashboard of the owner plugin
Type: String
A title for the dashboard
Type: String
A custom filter for the plugin. If omitted (set to zero) all items of the owner plugin will be used
Type: Int32
A ordering idex for the items in the plugin
Type: Int32
Flags of the Dashboard (see TheFormInfo Flags)
Type: Int32
Access Level for the Dashboard
Type: String
a Category for the dashboard
Type: String
if this is set, the Refresh Dashboard fires this command to the owner plugin
Type: Boolean
if true the Table of things contains an address field
Type: String
Default Device Type for new entries in the table of things
Type: String
List of device types for the table of things

Return Value