C-DEngine 5.105

eEngineEvents Members

The eEngineEvents type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Equals(System.Object) (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


  Name Description
Public field Static member BlobReceived
Engine received a Blob Object
Public field Static member ChannelConnected
RETIRED IN V4: No more channels
Public field Static member ChannelDown
RETIRED IN V4: No more channels
Public field Static member ChannelIsUpAgain
RETIRED IN V4: No more channels
Public field Static member Check4Updates
Fires when the ContentService receives a CDE_CHECK4UPDATES request from another node.
Public field Static member ChunkReceived
Fires when a new chunk of a larger telegram was received
Public field Static member CostingWasUpdated
A plugin-service can subscribe to this event in order to update the costing for the telegram. The Event is called synchronously and should be used ONLY to update the costing of the Telegram
Public field Static member CustomTSMMessage
Any Message sent to the Content-Relay Service that was not handled by the Content Service will be forwarded to this event
Public field Static member EngineHasStarted
Register a callback that will be called when the engine was started (via Start Engine)
Public field Static member EngineHasStopped
Register a callback to handle the event that is fired when the engine was stopped. For LiveEngine/Service data provider this only happens during shutdown of the hosting application For Not LiveEngines/Data Consumer this happens when the last communication channel was lost and no more channels are active
Public field Static member EngineInitialized
This event is called when a plugin-service has "ProcessInitialized()" SetEngineReadiness() method
Public field Static member EngineIsReady
This event is called when a plugin-service was set to Ready using the SetEngineReadiness() method
Public field Static member FileReceived
Fired when a file is received by the C-DEngine. a plugin can register for this event and gets notified if the file was meant for the it
Public field Static member IncomingEngineMessage
This event behaves similarly to eEngineEvents.IncomingMessage, but is also fired subsequently to eThingEvents.IncomingMessage. Any time either eThingEvents.IncomingMessage or eEngineEvents.IncomingMessage is fired, this event will also be fired. Be aware that subscribing to this event along with one (or more) of the other IncomingMessage events on the same Thing/engine may cause you to receive duplicate messages.
Public field Static member IncomingMessage
This is the main event handler for all incoming telegrams. It will be called if all underlying security and scoping conditions are met.
Public field Static member MessageProcessed
Register a callback that will be called when a TSM was processed This allows for communication between plugin-services
Public field Static member NewChannelActive
RETIRED IN V4: No more channels
Public field Static member NewEventLogEntry
Can be fired on the ContentService to announce a new Event Log Events
Public field Static member NewSubscription
A new Subscription was received for the Engine
Public field Static member PreShutdown
C-DEngine is about to shutdown. The MyServiceHostInfo.PreShutDownDelay sets the delay time for the shutdown. By default this is zero and the event is not fired
Public field Static member ShutdownEvent
Fires when the Engine received a Shut Down request "StopEngine()"
Public field Static member ThingDeleted
Fired when a Thing of an engine was Deleted from the Registry
Public field Static member ThingInitCalled
NEWV4: Fired when RegisterThing has called the Init() function
Public field Static member ThingRegistered
Fired when a new Thing of an engine was registereed
Public field Static member ThingUpdated
Fired when a Thing of an Engine was updated