C-DEngine 5.105

HttpRequestHeader Enumeration

Contains the HTTP headers that may be specified in a client request.

Namespace:  WebSocketSharp.Net
Assembly:  C-DEngine (in C-DEngine.dll)


public enum HttpRequestHeader
Public Enumeration HttpRequestHeader
public enum class HttpRequestHeader


Member nameDescription
CacheControl Indicates the Cache-Control header.
Connection Indicates the Connection header.
Date Indicates the Date header.
KeepAlive Indicates the Keep-Alive header.
Pragma Indicates the Pragma header.
Trailer Indicates the Trailer header.
TransferEncoding Indicates the Transfer-Encoding header.
Upgrade Indicates the Upgrade header.
Via Indicates the Via header.
Warning Indicates the Warning header.
Allow Indicates the Allow header.
ContentLength Indicates the Content-Length header.
ContentType Indicates the Content-Type header.
ContentEncoding Indicates the Content-Encoding header.
ContentLanguage Indicates the Content-Language header.
ContentLocation Indicates the Content-Location header.
ContentMd5 Indicates the Content-MD5 header.
ContentRange Indicates the Content-Range header.
Expires Indicates the Expires header.
LastModified Indicates the Last-Modified header.
Accept Indicates the Accept header.
AcceptCharset Indicates the Accept-Charset header.
AcceptEncoding Indicates the Accept-Encoding header.
AcceptLanguage Indicates the Accept-Language header.
Authorization Indicates the Authorization header.
Cookie Indicates the Cookie header.
Expect Indicates the Expect header.
From Indicates the From header.
Host Indicates the Host header.
IfMatch Indicates the If-Match header.
IfModifiedSince Indicates the If-Modified-Since header.
IfNoneMatch Indicates the If-None-Match header.
IfRange Indicates the If-Range header.
IfUnmodifiedSince Indicates the If-Unmodified-Since header.
MaxForwards Indicates the Max-Forwards header.
ProxyAuthorization Indicates the Proxy-Authorization header.
Referer Indicates the Referer header.
Range Indicates the Range header.
Te Indicates the TE header.
Translate Indicates the Translate header.
UserAgent Indicates the User-Agent header.
SecWebSocketKey Indicates the Sec-WebSocket-Key header.
SecWebSocketExtensions Indicates the Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header.
SecWebSocketProtocol Indicates the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header.
SecWebSocketVersion Indicates the Sec-WebSocket-Version header.


The HttpRequestHeader enumeration contains the HTTP request headers defined in RFC 2616 for the HTTP/1.1 and RFC 6455 for the WebSocket.