C-DEngine 5.105

WebSocketBehavior Properties

The WebSocketBehavior type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Context
Gets the information in a connection request to the WebSocket service.
Public property CookiesValidator
Gets or sets the delegate called to validate the HTTP cookies included in a connection request to the WebSocket service.
Public property EmitOnPing
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the WebSocket used in a session emits a OnMessage event when receives a Ping.
Public property ID
Gets the unique ID of a session.
Public property IgnoreExtensions
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the WebSocket service ignores the Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header included in a connection request.
Public property OriginValidator
Gets or sets the delegate called to validate the Origin header included in a connection request to the WebSocket service.
Public property Protocol
Gets or sets the WebSocket subprotocol used in the WebSocket service.
Public property StartTime
Gets the time that a session has started.
Public property State
Gets the state of the WebSocket used in a session.