C-DEngine 5.105

HttpListener Properties

The HttpListener type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AuthenticationSchemes
Gets or sets the scheme used to authenticate the clients.
Public property AuthenticationSchemeSelector
Gets or sets the delegate called to select the scheme used to authenticate the clients.
Public property CertificateFolderPath
Gets or sets the path to the folder in which stores the certificate files used to authenticate the server on the secure connection.
Public property IgnoreWriteExceptions
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the listener returns exceptions that occur when sending the response to the client.
Public property IsListening
Gets a value indicating whether the listener has been started.
Public property Static member IsSupported
Gets a value indicating whether the listener can be used with the current operating system.
Public property Log
Gets the logging functions.
Public property Prefixes
Gets the URI prefixes handled by the listener.
Public property Realm
Gets or sets the name of the realm associated with the listener.
Public property SslConfiguration
Gets or sets the SSL configuration used to authenticate the server and optionally the client for secure connection.
Public property UnsafeConnectionNtlmAuthentication
Gets or sets a value indicating whether, when NTLM authentication is used, the authentication information of first request is used to authenticate additional requests on the same connection.
Public property UserCredentialsFinder
Gets or sets the delegate called to find the credentials for an identity used to authenticate a client.