C-DEngine 5.105

TheUserManager Methods

The TheUserManager type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member CloudCheck(TheProcessMessage, Int32, Boolean)
Checks if the User attached to a TPM has permission to access a resource and the this request was checked on a cloud node
Public method Static member DoesAdminRequirePWD
New V4: Returns true if the given Role does not have an admin account or the admin account has not password
Public method Equals(System.Object) (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Static member GetCurrentUserRole
Returns the Primary Role of the current logged on user
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Static member GetScrambledUserScope
Gets the users Scrambled ScopeID
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Static member GetUserAccessLevel(String, String)
Return the Access Level of a given UID/PWD combination
Public method Static member GetUserDataForNMI(TheSessionState)
Return public information about a user that can be used in the NMI
Public method Static member GetUserFullName
Returns the name of a user
Public method Static member HasSessionValidUser
returns true if a session contains a valid user
Public method Static member HasUserAccess(String, String, Int32)
returns true of false pending if the user has access to a resource with the ACL provided
Public method Static member HasUserAccess(Guid, Int32)
Checks if the user with the gived ID has the access permission defined in ACL.
Public method Static member HasUserAccess(Guid, Int32, Boolean)
Checks if the user with the gived ID has the access permission defined in ACL.
Public method Static member HasUserAccess(Guid, Int32, String)
Returns true if the given user has either permission to a given ACL or the Required Permission given
Public method Static member HasUserPermission
Returns true if the given user has permission to a Required Permission given
Public method Static member HasUserPermissions(Guid, List<(Of <<'(String>)>>))
Returns true if the given user has permission to one of Required Permissions given
Public method Static member IsCurrentUserRole
Returns true if the current user has the given role (VIEWER ONLY)
Public method Static member IsInitialized
Returns true if the UserManager is completely initialized and ready to manage user
Public method Static member IsUserTrusted
Returns true if the User of the ID is coming from a trusted node
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Static member RegisterNewRole
Allows to register a new User Role
Public method Static member ResetUserScopes(Boolean)
Resets the users Scopes to the Current Active Scope
Public method Static member SendACLToNMI
Sends the current AccessLevel of the given user to an NMI Target Node as a Popup. It will only be sent to a locally connected node and not via the cloud.
Public method Static member SentLoginCredentials
UX Viewer can use this function to send credentials to a relay node This call is only allowed if the usermanager is turned ON
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)