C-DEngine 5.105

TSM Methods

The TSM type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Acknowledged
Probes if this flag is set
Public method AddCosting
Adds an encrypted cost-ticket to the current message to the CST parameter
Public method AddHopToOrigin
Add the current station DeviceID to the list of Originators
Public method AddScopeIDFromTSM
Extracts the Scrambed ScopeID from a message and creates Topic extension
Public method Static member Clone
Make a deep clone of the Message
Public method DoesORGContain
Checks if the given Originator DeviceID is in the list of Origins
Public method DoesORGContainAny
Checks if a ; separated list of IDs is found in the Originators of this message. Only if ALL pIDs are found in the ORG, the method will return true
Public method DoesORGContainLocalHost
True if the Originator was the local machine
Public method DoNotChunk
If true, the telegram must not be chunked
Public method DoNotRelay
Probes if this flag is set
Public method EncryptPLS
Call this to Tell the C-DEngine to Encrypt the PLS automatically
Public method Equals(System.Object) (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHash()()()()
Calculates a hash integer that defines a unique hash for the message Only LVL, ENG, the Originator and the First parameter of the TXT will be taken in account. BEWARE: there are rare occasions where two messages are considered equal although they are not. Your code should be fault tolerant to these conditions
Public method GetHash(String)
Calculates a hash integer that defines a unique hash for the message Only LVL, ENG, the Originator, OWN and the First parameter of the TXT will be taken in account. BEWARE: there are rare occasions where two messages are considered equal although they are not. Your code should be fault tolerant to these conditions The Salt can be use to add a random or other string-source to the Hash
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetLastRelay
Gets the DeviceID of the last known Relay forwarding this message
Public method GetNextNode
NEW in V4: Returns the next node in GRO to optimize Route traffic
Public method GetNextSerial
Increase the FID Serial Number by one
Public method GetOriginator()()()()
Gets the first initial Originator of the message
Public method Static member GetOriginator(String)
Gets the first initial Originator from an ORG string
Public method GetOriginatorSecurityProxy
This function will return the first NodeID in the TSM that matches a Relay. Browsers do not have trust but the first-node a browser is conencted to is the browsers security proxy The function will return the Originator if no proxy was found
Public method GetOriginatorThing
Gets the initial Originating thing of the message (commonly used for replying to the originating thing)
Public method GetTotalCosts
Returns the total costs of the Message in form of a TSMTotalCost receipt
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method HobCount
Returns the amount of hobs this message was relayed through
Public method IsFirstNode()()()()
Returns true if this message came from the FirstNode RETIRED: Use with bool
Public method IsFirstNode(Boolean)
Returns true if this message came from the FirstNode
Public method IsPLSEncrypted
Probe if the PLS is encrypted
Public method Static member L
A Macro testing the LVL of a message If the pLogLevel is greater or equal than the DebugLevel, the macro return true
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method MsgBody
Returns the TSM Body (TXT and PLS)
Public method MsgHeader
Returns the TSM Header information
Public method NoDuplicates
Probes if this flag is set
Public method NotToSendAgain
Probes if this flag is set
Public method SendPulse
Probes if this flag is set
Public method SetAcknowledged
Similar to the WasProcessed Flag this is for custom use only
Public method SetDoNotRelay
If Set to True, the message will not be routed via the Cloud Use this for local intranet messages only
Public method SetNodeScope
Add the current NodeScope to the TSM. If the node is unscoped "" will be set
Public method SetNoDuplicates
If set to true, older messages in the SenderQueue will be removed and only the newer one will be sent. This flag is working the oposite as NotToSendAgain. Use this for tiny fast telegrams that occur very often
Public method SetNotToChunk
Set to tell the Queue not to chunk this telegram
Public method SetNotToSendAgain
If Set to true, any older package with the same HashID will be sent and the newer one will be ignored This flag is working the oposite as NoDuplicates. Use this for large Binary files or result sets.
Public method SetOriginator
Sets a new Originator to the message
Public method SetOriginatorThing(TheThing)
Sets the Originator Thing on a TSM
Public method SetOriginatorThing(Guid)
Sets a new Originator/Thing to the message
Public method SetSendPulse
If set to true, the sender expects a very fast response from the reveiver
Public method SetToCloudOnly
If set to true, this message will only be sent via the cloud. Use this for system messages that only need to be sent to clients connected via the cloud
Public method SetToNodesOnly
Messages tagged with this flag will only be routed to nodes and not to services
Public method SetToRelayOnly
If set, the message will not be relayed beyond the first Relay node.
Public method SetToServiceOnly
Messages tagged with this flag will only be routed to a Service not to a Client or End Node
Public method SetUnsubscribeAfterPublish
If Set to True, the subscription will be removed after publication This allows for Blitz Subscription and one-time-only subscriptions Once original sender has received the publication, it sends out a global CDE-UNSUBSCRIBE to the message Topic
Public method SetWasProcessed
Set this flag if you want to make sure a message is not processed several times The C-DEngine is not using this flag internally - its for custom purpose only
Public method ToAllString
Same as ToString just without the 3000 character limitation USE CAREFULLY! This can create huge memory allocation
Public method ToCloudOnly
Probes if this flag is set
Public method ToNodesOnly
Probes if this flag is set
Public method ToRelayOnly
Probes if this flag is set
Public method ToServiceOnly
Probes if this flag is set
Public method ToString
Returns a friendly representation of the TSM with 3000 characters max for PLS
Public method UnsubscribeAfterPublish
Probes if this flag is set
Public method WasProcessed
Probes if this flag is set
Public method WasSentViaCloud
Returns true if this message was sent via a Cloud Node