C-DEngine 5.105

TheScopeManager..::..SetApplicationID Method

Sets the main Application ID of the C-DEngine Node Mesh. All nodes communicating with each other have to have the Same Application ID and Scope ID (a.k.a. "Security ID"). The Application ID has be to issued by C-Labs and can only be self-generated if C-Labs has authorized the generation to an OEM ATTENTION: Losing or publishing the Application ID can lead to security issues. Store this ID in a secure store, certificate, USB Key or other secure way. This has been moved here from TheScopeManager as "TheBaseAssets.MySecrets" has to be created before the AppID can be set. This function will create the default cdeSecrets if it was not set before by the Application

Namespace:  nsCDEngine.Security
Assembly:  C-DEngine (in C-DEngine.dll)


public static bool SetApplicationID(
	string AID
Public Shared Function SetApplicationID ( _
	AID As String _
) As Boolean
static bool^ SetApplicationID(
	String^ AID


Type: String
Application license key provided by C-Labs to enable access to C-Labs C-DEngine mesh services.

Return Value