C-DEngine 5.105

TheStorageMirror<(Of <(<'T>)>)> Members

The TheStorageMirror<(Of <(<'T>)>)> type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method TheStorageMirror<(Of <(<'T>)>)>


  Name Description
Public method AddAnItem(T)
Adds a single item to the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache and/or IStorageService.
Public method AddAnItem(String, T)
Adds a single item to the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache and/or IStorageService.
Public method AddAnItem(T, Action<(Of <<'(TheStorageMirror<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..StoreResponse>)>>))
Adds a single item to the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache and/or IStorageService and hands the inserted item back to the callback.
Public method AddItems(Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, T>)>>))
Adds new items to the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache and/or IStorageService.
Public method AddItems(List<(Of <<'(T>)>>), Action<(Of <<'(TheStorageMirror<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..StoreResponse>)>>))
Adds new items to the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache and/or IStorageService and hands the inserted items back to the callback.
Public method AddItems(Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, T>)>>), Action<(Of <<'(TheStorageMirror<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..StoreResponse>)>>))
Adds new items to the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache and/or IStorageService and hands the inserted items back to the callback.
Public method Cleanup
Public method ContainsID
Currently only supported for RAM and Cached Mirrors
Public method CreateStore(String, String, T, Boolean, Boolean)
Public method CreateStore(TheStorageMirrorParameters, T)
Public method CreateStoreAsync
Public method Dispose
Public method Equals(System.Object) (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ExecuteSql
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method FireEvent
Public method FlushCache
Public method ForceSave
Public method GetCacheStoreCount
Public method GetCount
Public method GetEntryByID(Guid)
This only works with RAM or Cached StorageMirrors for SQL Based use callback based method
Public method GetEntryByID(String)
This only works with RAM or Cached StorageMirrors for SQL Based use callback based method
Public method GetEntryByID(Guid, Action<(Of <<'(TheStorageMirror<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..StoreResponse>)>>), Boolean, Object)
Retrieves a single record by ID from the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache or IStorageService and hands it to the callback. If IsRAMStore or IsCached, the record will be retrieved from the MirrorCache. If IsRAMStore is false, the record will be retrieved from the IStorageService.
Public method GetFriendlyName
Public method GetGroupResult
Retrieves groups of records from the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache or IStorageService and hands it to the callback. If IsRAMStore or IsCached, the groups will be retrieved from the MirrorCache. If IsRAMStore is false, the groups will be retrieved from the IStorageService.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetLastCacheStore
Public method GetRecords(Action<(Of <<'(TheStorageMirror<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..StoreResponse>)>>), Boolean)
Retrieves records from the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache or IStorageService and hands them to the callback. If IsRAMStore or IsCached, the records will be retrieved from the MirrorCache. If IsRAMStore is false, the records will be retrieved from the IStorageService.
Public method GetRecords(String, Action<(Of <<'(TheStorageMirror<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..StoreResponse>)>>), Boolean)
Retrieves records from the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache or IStorageService and hands them to the callback. If IsRAMStore or IsCached, the records will be retrieved from the MirrorCache. If IsRAMStore is false, the records will be retrieved from the IStorageService.
Public method GetRecords(Int32, Action<(Of <<'(TheStorageMirror<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..StoreResponse>)>>), Boolean)
Retrieves records from the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache or IStorageService and hands them to the callback. If IsRAMStore or IsCached, the records will be retrieved from the MirrorCache. If IsRAMStore is false, the records will be retrieved from the IStorageService.
Public method GetRecords(String, Int32, Action<(Of <<'(TheStorageMirror<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..StoreResponse>)>>), Boolean)
Retrieves records from the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache or IStorageService and hands them to the callback. If IsRAMStore or IsCached, the records will be retrieved from the MirrorCache. If IsRAMStore is false, the records will be retrieved from the IStorageService.
Public method GetRecords(String, Int32, Int32, String, Action<(Of <<'(TheStorageMirror<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..StoreResponse>)>>), Boolean, Boolean)
Retrieves records from the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache or IStorageService and hands them to the callback. If IsRAMStore or IsCached, the records will be retrieved from the MirrorCache. If IsRAMStore is false, the records will be retrieved from the IStorageService.
Public method GetRecords(String, Int32, Int32, String, Action<(Of <<'(TheStorageMirror<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..StoreResponse>)>>), Boolean, Boolean, Object)
Retrieves records from the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache or IStorageService and hands them to the callback. If IsRAMStore or IsCached, the records will be retrieved from the MirrorCache. If IsRAMStore is false, the records will be retrieved from the IStorageService.
Public method GetRecords(String, Int32, Int32, String, String, Action<(Of <<'(TheStorageMirror<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..StoreResponse>)>>), Boolean, Boolean, Object)
Retrieves records from the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache or IStorageService and hands them to the callback. If IsRAMStore or IsCached, the records will be retrieved from the MirrorCache. If IsRAMStore is false, the records will be retrieved from the IStorageService.
Public method GetSize
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method HasRegisteredEvents
Public method InitializeStore(Boolean)
Public method InitializeStore(Boolean, Boolean)
Public method InitializeStore(Boolean, Boolean, String)
Initializes a StorageMirror
Public method InitializeStore(TheStorageMirrorParameters)
Public method InitializeStoreAsync
Public method InsertUpdateEdgeStorageProperties
Inserts or updates a record's property bag into storage after the record itself has been inserted
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method NotifyOfUpdate
Public method PushChartData(Guid, Guid)
Pushes the ChartJSON data to the Chart Control
Public method RegisterEvent
Public method RemoveAllItems
Removes all items from the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache.
Public method RemoveAnItem
Removes a single item from the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache and/or IStorageService. If IsRAMStore is false or IsCached is true, the item will be removed from the IStorageService. If either IsRAMStore or IsCached is true, the item will be removed from the MirrorCache.
Public method RemoveAnItemByID
Removes a single item from the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache and/or IStorageService using the ID of the item. If IsRAMStore is false or IsCached is true, the item will be removed from the IStorageService. If either IsRAMStore or IsCached is true, the item will be removed from the MirrorCache.
Public method RemoveItems
Removes multiple items from the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache and/or IStorageService. If IsRAMStore is false or IsCached is true, the items will be removed from the IStorageService. If either IsRAMStore or IsCached is true, the items will be removed from the MirrorCache.
Public method RemoveStore
Removes the store from the StorageMirror repository and removes the table from the IStorageService if applicable.
Public method Reset
Public method RetrieveEdgeStorageProperties
Retrieves the property bag for data records from storage
Public method SetMaxStoreSize
Public method SetRecordExpiration
Sets a time in seconds after which Record entries will be removed from the Database If a callback is specified, the callback will be called for each record that will be deleted.
Public method SetStorageService
Public method sinkProcessServiceMessages
Public method StoreCanBeFlushed
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method UnregisterEvent
Public method UpdateID
Updates the item with the pOld cdeMID to a new cdeMID of pNew.
Public method UpdateItem(T)
Updates a single item in the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache and/or IStorageService.
Public method UpdateItem(T, Action<(Of <<'(TheStorageMirror<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..StoreResponse>)>>))
Updates a single item in the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache and/or IStorageService and hands the updated item back to the callback.
Public method UpdateItemByFunc
Updates the first item that matches the pSelector with the item pItem in the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache and/or IStorageService.
Public method UpdateItems(Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, T>)>>))
Updates items in the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache and/or IStorageService.
Public method UpdateItems(List<(Of <<'(T>)>>))
Updates items in the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache and/or IStorageService.
Public method UpdateItems(Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, T>)>>), Action<(Of <<'(TheStorageMirror<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..StoreResponse>)>>))
Updates items in the StorageMirror's underlying MirrorCache and/or IStorageService and hands the updated items back to the callback.
Public method UpdateStore
Updates a store in the underlying IStorageService with a new FriendlyName and/or Description.
Public method WaitForStoreReadyAsync
Public method WriteCache


  Name Description
Public field MyMirrorCache


  Name Description
Public property AllowFireUpdates
Public property AppendOnly
Public property BlockWriteIfIsolated
Public property CacheStoreInterval
Sets a timespan for the Cache to be flushed to disk
Public property CacheTableName
Public property Count
Public property Description
Public property IsCached
Public property IsCacheEncrypted
Public property IsCachePersistent
Public property IsRAMStore
Public property IsReady
Public property IsStoreIntervalInSeconds
Public property IsUpdateSubscriptionEnabled
Public property MyRecordsRWLock
New in 4.106: "logic" lock - should not be used for just read-write but for synchronization of multiple operations
Public property MyStoreID
Public property StoreMID
Public property TheKeys
Public property TheValues
Public property UseSafeSave


  Name Description
Public event PropertyChanged Obsolete.