C-DEngine 5.105

TheNetworkInfo Members

The TheNetworkInfo type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method TheNetworkInfo
Construtor for network related events


  Name Description
Public method Static member cdeGetHostEntry
Returns the IPHostEntry of a given host name
Public method Static member cdeGetHostName
Returns the host name of the hosting hardware
Public method Equals(System.Object) (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Static member GetExternalIp
Returns the external IP of this hosting hardware by making a reverse lookup via checkip.dyndns.org
Public method Static member GetFreePort
Finds a free socket port in the given range on a given IP Address
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Static member GetIPAddress(Boolean)
Returns an IP address of the host hardware
Public method Static member GetIPAddress(String)
Returns an IP Address starting with a given scheme
Public method Static member GetIPAddresses
Refreshes the table of IP addresses
Public method GetLocalAddresses
Returns all iP addresses of this host hardware
Public method Static member GetMACAddress
Gets the mac address of the primary network adapter.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Static member IsConnectedToInternet
Checks if this relay has a direct connection to the internet Do not call too frequent as this function is sending a ping to a wellknown internet Address
Public method Static member IsIPInLocalSubnet
returns true if the IP address given is an intranet address
Public method Static member IsPrivateIP
returns true if the given IP address is a local/private IP
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)