C-DEngine 5.105

TheBaseAssets Members

The TheBaseAssets type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member GetCustomAppParameter Obsolete.
RETIRED: please use TheCDESettingsFactory.GetSetting()
Public method Static member LoadCrypto
Loads a crypto library for all Security related methods.
Public method Static member SetCustomAppParameter Obsolete.
RETIRED: Use TheCDESettingsFactory.SetSetting()
Public method Static member SetMessageSize
Use this method to change the maximum message sizes allowed for the various cdeSenderTypes
Public method Static member UpdateAppParameter Obsolete.
Updates essential Parameter of the C-DEngine Host application.


  Name Description
Public field Static member IsInDesignMode
XAML only: Tells the components if the C-DEngine was instantiated in Blend For all other hosts this always returns False
Public field Static member MyApplication
Static reference to the Current TheBaseApplication Instance
Public field Static member MyCDEPluginTypes
Lists all known Plugins currently running in this instance of the C-DEngine
Public field Static member MyCmdArgs
All public Parameter/Settings handed to the C-DEngine during Startup These settings are visible, unencrypted AND changable by plugins. Please use TheBaseAssets.MySettings.Set|GetSetting("settingname") to access the content In future versions of the CDE this dictionary might be read only or even internal only
Public field Static member MyServiceHostInfo
Most Important Property Bag containing all parameter of the Hosting Service and Plugin-Services
Public field Static member MyServiceTypes
FUTURE USE: List of all Types Known to the C-DEngine
Public field Static member MySYSLOG
The System Log
Public field Static member STAObject
Allows to use an object that was created during the STAThread.Main in Plugins


  Name Description
Public property Static member CryptoLoadMessage
Gets or sets a message describing the crypto load status.
Public property Static member CurrentVersion
Version of the C-DEngine in Major.Minor format.
Public property Static member CurrentVersionInfo
Returns the current Assembly Version of the C-DEngine
Public property Static member GetAppInfo
Returns the Application Information of the hosting App Plugins only have read-access to this information.
Public property Static member MasterSwitch
C-DEngine is shutting down if MasterSwitch is FALSE
Public property Static member MasterSwitchCancelationToken
When C-DEngine is shutting down all tokens obtained from MasterSwitchCancelationToken get canceled. You can use this when waiting for long running Tasks.
Public property Static member MyActivationManager
License Activation Manager.
Public property Static member MyLoc
Locatization Factory
Public property Static member MySettings
Main Settings class for all Settings