TheThingRegistry Methods
The TheThingRegistry type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ClassPropertiesToThingProperties |
Converts fields and properties of a class into Thing Properties
CreateOwnedThingAsync(Boolean, TheThing, Boolean, String, String, String, String, String, Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, Object>)>>)) | ||
CreateOwnedThingAsync(Boolean, TheThing, Boolean, String, String, String, String, String, Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, Object>)>>), TimeSpan) | ||
CreateOwnedThingAsync(TheThingRegistry..::..MsgCreateThingRequestV1) | ||
CreateOwnedThingAsync(TheThingRegistry..::..MsgCreateThingRequestV1, TimeSpan) | ||
CreateOwnedThingAsync(TheThingRegistry..::..MsgCreateThingRequestV1, TheMessageAddress) | ||
CreateOwnedThingAsync(TheThingRegistry..::..MsgCreateThingRequestV1, TheMessageAddress, TimeSpan) | ||
CreateOwnedThingForAddressAsync | ||
DeleteOwnedThingAsync | ||
DeleteThing(ICDEThing) |
Delets the given thing from TheThingRegistry
DeleteThing(TheThing) |
Delets the given thing from TheThingRegistry
DeleteThing(String, ICDEThing) |
Deletes the given ICDEThing of the given Engine
DeleteThingByProperty |
Deletes the first TheThing found with the given Property Name and Value. I.e: DeleteThingByProperty("MyEngine",Guid.empty,"DeviceType","MyThingType"); will delete the first things of the MyEngine with the DeviceType "MyThingType"
DeleteThingsByProperty |
Deletes all TheThings found with the given Property Name and Value. I.e: DeleteThingByProperty("MyEngine",Guid.empty,"DeviceType","MyThingType"); will delete all things of the MyEngine with the DeviceType "MyThingType"
Equals(System.Object) | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetAllDeviceTypesByCap |
Returns all DeviceTypes of engine with the given capability
GetBaseEngine(TheThing) |
Returns the IBaseEngine of TheThing
After the first call the IBaseEngine is cached in TheThing and subsequent calls are faster
Alternative you can call pThing.GetBaseEngine();
GetBaseEngine(TheThing, Boolean) |
Returns the IBaseEngine of TheThing
This call is NOT cached if AllowRemoteEngine is true
GetBaseEngine(String) |
Return the IBaseEngine interface for a given EngineName.
This call is quite expensive and the result should be cached if possible
GetBaseEngine(String, Boolean) |
Return the IBaseEngine interface for a given EngineName.
This call is quite expensive and the result should be cached if possible
GetBaseEngineAsThing(String) |
Return TheThing object of a given EngineName
GetBaseEngineAsThing(String, Boolean) |
Returns TheThing of a given EngineName
GetBaseEngines |
Returns all IBaseEngines known in TheThingRegistry
GetBaseEnginesAsThing(Boolean) |
Returns all Base Engines
GetBaseEnginesAsThing(Boolean, Boolean) |
Returns all Base Engines
GetBaseEnginesByCap |
Gets a base engine by a Capability
GetEngineNames |
Returns a list of all Engine Names known
GetHashCode | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHostProperty |
Returns the value for a Property of the Hosting Node.
GetOwnedThingAsync(TheMessageAddress) |
NOT IMPLEMENTED YET: Returns Owner Thing from a remote Thing
GetOwnedThingAsync(TheMessageAddress, TimeSpan) |
NOT IMPLEMENTED YET: Will retreive a thing from a different node
GetPropertyMapperLastUpdate |
Returns the last Target Update of the Property Mapper
GetThingByFunc |
Returs TheThings matching the Selector
GetThingByID(String, String) |
Return TheThing with the specified "ID" property
GetThingByID(String, String, Boolean) |
Return TheThing with the specified "ID" property
GetThingByMID(Guid, Boolean) |
Return TheThing with the specified unique Identifier cdeMID
GetThingByMID(String, Guid) |
Return TheThing with the specified unique Identifier cdeMID
GetThingByMID(String, Guid, Boolean) |
Return TheThing with the specified unique Identifier cdeMID
GetThingByProperty(String, Guid, String, String) |
Returns a TheThings matching the PropertyName/Value combination in a given Engine
GetThingByProperty(String, Guid, String, String, Boolean) |
Returns a TheThings matching the PropertyName/Value combination in a given Engine
GetThingObjectByMID |
Return TheLiveObject of TheThing in the Engine with the cdeMID given.
GetThingsByFunc |
Returs a list of TheThings matching the Selector
GetThingsByProperty(String, Guid, String, String) |
Returns a list of TheThings matching the PropertyName/Value combination in a given Engine
GetThingsByProperty(String, Guid, String, String, Boolean) |
Returns a list of TheThings matching the PropertyName/Value combination in a given Engine
GetThingsOfEngine(String) |
Gets all Things of a given Engine
GetThingsOfEngine(String, Boolean) |
Gets all Things of a given Engine
GetThingsOfEngine(String, Boolean, Boolean) |
Gets all Things of a given Engine
GetThingsOfEngine(String, eThingCaps) |
Get things of an Engine with a given capability
GetType | (Inherited from Object.) | |
HasThingsWithFunc |
Checks if TheThingRegistry has at least one TheThing that fits the pSelector function
IsEngineInitialized |
Checks if a given EngineName is registered in TheThingRegistry and
Started (SetInitialized() was called by the engine).
IsEngineRegistered(String) |
Return true of the engine is registered in TheThingRegistry. Attention: it also returns true if the Engine is registered but is currently NOT running! For example if the Plugin was running at some time but removed at a later time.
Use "IsEngineAlive"
IsEngineRegistered(String, Boolean) |
Checks if a given EngineName is registered in TheThingRegistry
IsEngineStarted |
Checks if a given EngineName is registered in TheThingRegistry and
Started (InitEngineAssets() was completed and Engine HasLiveObject==true)
MemberwiseClone | (Inherited from Object.) | |
PropertyMapper |
Direcly connects two properties of two things together
Use "UnmapProperty" to remove an existing connection
RegisterEventOfDeviceType |
Helper Function that allows registering for a special event on all Things of a given DeviceType
This allows for Node Wide registration of certain known events of special DeviceTypes
RegisterEventOfThing |
Short for tThing.RegisterEvent(eventname,callback)
RegisterThing(ICDEThing) |
Registers a Thing with TheThingRegistry
Properties of TheThing that is referenced in ICDEThing will be persisted in TheThingRegistry and "Init()" and "CreateUX()" will be called
RegisterThing(ICDEThing, Boolean) |
Registers a Thing with TheThingRegistry
Properties of TheThing that is referenced in ICDEThing will be persisted in TheThingRegistry and "Init()" and "CreateUX()" will be called
RegisterThingGlobally(ICDEThing) |
Sends a publication out to all Nodes in the Mesh and registers this Thing in other TheThingRegistry of all nodes
Property changes are then sent to all nodes as well and TheRulesEngine of remote notes can be triggered by Properties of the Origin Thing or set Actions on a remote thing.
RegisterThingGlobally(TheThing) |
Sends a publication out to all Nodes in the Mesh and registers this Thing in other TheThingRegistry of all nodes
Property changes are then sent to all nodes as well and TheRulesEngine of remote notes can be triggered by Properties of the Origin Thing or set Actions on a remote thing.
SetHostProperty |
Sets a Host Property
ToString | (Inherited from Object.) | |
UnmapPropertyMapper |
Unregisters the event of a Property Mapper
UnregisterEventOfDeviceType |
Helper Function that allows to unregister a callback previously registered with RegisterEventOfDeviceType
UnregisterThingGlobally |
Unregisters a Thing globally
UpdateEngineUX |
Updates the NMI Model for all Things in the Given Engine by calling the "CreateUX()" function of all TheThings
UpdateThing |
Updates the given Thing in TheThingRegistry- if Fire Update is true, a ThingUpdated event on TheThingRegistry will be fired for TheRulesEngine. If set to "False" TheRulesEngine will not be notified.
TheThingRegistry's StorageMirror will also NOT fire HasUpdates if FireUpdate is set to false.
TheBaseEngine of TheThing will always get eEngineEvents.ThingUpdated if this function is called.
UregisterEventOfThing |
Short for tThing.UnregisterEvent(eventname,callback)
WaitForInitializeAsync(TheMessageAddress) | ||
WaitForInitializeAsync(TheThing) | ||
WaitForInitializeAsync(TheThing, TimeSpan) |